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How To Relieve Pain From A Toothache

Man with toothache inspecting teeth in mirror

A toothache can be incredibly uncomfortable and you should always seek care from a dentist when a toothache arises. But, if you have to wait to see your dentist, you will need to search for temporary pain relief in the meantime. Instead of anxiously Googling “how to relieve pain from toothache” use these 8 tips to reduce toothache pain and get temporary relief.

How To Relieve Tooth Pain

1. Apply a cold compress

The first step to reducing pain from an aching tooth is to reduce the inflammation at hand. A cold compress can help reduce inflammation by restricting the blood vessels, limiting their ability to swell. A cold compress will also numb the area, stopping the injury from sending signals to your brain about its pain.

Place a bag of ice or frozen peas wrapped in a towel against the area that hurts. It will help reduce pain quickly.

Note: Do not chew ice if you have a broken tooth. It could cause more serious toothaches and worsen your medical condition.

2. Do a saltwater rinse

Often, a toothache is the result of an infection that needs treatment. A saltwater rinse is a natural disinfectant and can provide temporary relief for tooth pain. It’s a good idea to rinse if you are looking to kill bacteria in a painful area.

Fill a cup with warm water. Then, pour in half a teaspoon of salt and stir until it is almost entirely dissolved. Swish the warm saltwater mixture around in your mouth for several seconds, then spit it out into a sink.
Want something a bit stronger? Try a hydrogen peroxide rinse. Mix hydrogen peroxide and water, then swish it around in your mouth. This mixture acts much the same as your standard mouthwash.

Calm woman with tootache drinking soothing peppermint tea

3. Try peppermint tea

Tea is not just for drinking! Peppermint tea bags are known for their mild numbing properties. Place a used tea bag in the freezer, then apply it to the area for a cool, numbing feeling. A warm tea bag can also be used to treat a toothache.

4. Take a pain reliever

To combat inflammation, take an anti-inflammatory. Pain medications like ibuprofen have anti-inflammatory properties and can provide fast relief. Make sure to read the label and follow the directions closely for the best results.

5. Apply a hot pack

If the ache isn’t caused by swelling, then there’s no need to reduce swelling. In this situation, the best way to reduce the ache is to interrupt the signals of pain being sent from your injury to your brain. Heat is an effective way to interrupt the signals by distracting the tooth’s nerve.

Heat up a bean bag in the microwave, then place it against your near the affected area. The heat will interrupt the ache and help provide relief.

Middle-aged woman with tootache seductively sniffing garlic

6. Try garlic

Did you know that garlic has medicinal properties? For thousands of years, our favourite ingredient has also been used to kill harmful bacteria and relieve pain. It can also be used for your toothache home remedies.

Crush a clove of garlic into a paste. Apply it to the affected area and let it sit for your desired length of time. After, spit it out and rinse to remove food particles. The antibacterial properties will help cleanse the area.

7. Eat soft foods

If you are experiencing dental pain, chewing on hard, tough food can cause more pain—especially if you have a tooth fracture or are experiencing tooth decay. Try to only eat soft food like soup, mashed potatoes, and puddings.

8. Use clove oil

Clove oil, also called eugenol, is an oil that has a rich medical history. It has been used to clean mouth wounds and soothe toothaches for centuries thanks to its natural antiseptic properties. Today, several peer-reviewed studies have confirmed the antibacterial and antioxidant activities of eugenol.

Place a few drops of the oil or eugenol onto a cotton ball. Dab the cotton ball on the area, spreading the oil. Such placement will help the oil quickly soak in and relieve dental pain.

When To See A Dentist About A Painful Tooth

Worried young woman with tootache holding side of mouth in bed

Often, toothache pain is a hint of a larger, underlying issue. Your body will send pain signals to make you aware of a dental problem. You should seek immediate dental care from a licensed dentist when you are experiencing one of these symptoms alongside an aching tooth:

If you are experiencing one or more of these symptoms, contact your dentist immediately. You may require root canal therapy or another general dentistry treatment. In the meantime, one of these methods may help temporarily reduce your tooth pain.


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